This week as many of us blogged, posted, tweeted and read about the tragedy of September 11, 2001, I saw several stories about one hero from that terrible event who had recently passed away. Bretagne (pronounced Brittany) was a search and rescue dog from Texas, and is believed to have been the last surviving rescue dog of the approximately 300 dogs that served, using their awesome hearing and sense of smell to search for and find survivors in the rubble. It is amazing to think about how important these service animals are during a crisis.
As I read about Bretagne’s story and the amazing life she lead, it occurred to me that most dogs do not make it to the age she did (almost 17). I believe the most difficult part of sharing your life with a dog is that they just do not live long enough. It makes me cherish the time I have left with Chipotle, as he is 9 and who knows how long he has to enjoy his life with us.
I am including a link to one well-written story about Bretagne here for you to enjoy:
Never forget: Last 9/11 Ground Zero search dog dies just shy of 17th birthday
She also worked in the Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, Hurricane Ivan search and rescue efforts, and other disasters. She totally deserved the Hero’s sendoff she received. It definitely touched my heart as I absorbed the story.
Soon we will be rolling out our Animal Rescue awareness campaign, starring Chipotle. He will be helping raise awareness to hopefully increase the numbers of rescued animals that find their forever homes. These animals really deserve to finish their lives with dignity, to have a human or two to love and be loved by, and to experience the lives they were meant to lead.
Stay tuned for more information as we finish the last details of the rollout.