Live Broadcast on March 29th, 2022 at 4:30 PST!
Our Best Coast Business Live Guest is Jennifer Adams from Lumina Alliance.
The BEST Coast Business Live (BCBL) series pairs two co‐stars who are uniquely connected to their communities, Andrea Geis and Jocelyn Brennan in 30‐50 minute episodes featuring one‐of‐a‐kind interviews with business owners and other influencers of Central California. Guests on BCBL are
A. Killing it in this crazy Pandemic‐Economy;
B. Doing great things in the community, lifting up businesses and people in need in these difficult times;
C. Struggling and in need of some helping hands to get through a difficult time; or
D. Some combination of A, B and/or C!
We’ll also be hearing from Terrie Banish, Deputy City Manager, Atascadero.
Call in at 323-580-5755 to ask questions