Discover Rising Tides with Priya Kumar
How the Outside Makes the Inside Better
Through conversations with female business owners, we explore the benefits of time spent outside to maintain life balance. The time outside and activity may differ in each conversation, but we delve into the subject to find the commonality that drives us all. As a business owner, I find myself outside to balance the challenges of every day
Discovering Guest Priya Kumar was born and raised in the Fiji Islands. She is a Business Financial Coach helping small business owners build a relationship with their finances and strategically plan their growth. She worked as a business investigator for over 12 years and decided not waste any of her knowledge and help those in need. She’s also a hospice volunteer, marathon runner, an author of a gratitude journal, and a board member of a non profit organization. She’s a single mom of a 6 year old boy who’s constantly keeping her on her toes. Her life’s missions statement is: “I want to leave those i meet, better than i found them”. She value honesty, integrity, and passion. Whatever you do, do it with love and passion. And as she tells her son everyone morning, don’t forget to have fun.
April 6, 2022 2:00 pm PST
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