Discover Rising Tides with Denise E. Stegall
How the Outside Makes the Inside Better
Through conversations with female business owners, we explore the benefits of time spent outside to maintain life balance. The time outside and activity may differ in each conversation, but we delve into the subject to find the commonality that drives us all. As a business owner, I find myself outside to balance the challenges of every day
Discovering Guest Denise E. Stegall is the CEO and Curator of Living Healthy She has condensed 25 years of experience and study in nutrition, cooking, exercise, and coaching to help
female entrepreneurs and business women to find a healthy, happy and productive lifestyle that works for them. As an inspirational thought leader, her goal is to provide honest, reliable, research-backed information on health, wellness, personal development, and fun applicable in real life. To do so, Denise launched Living Healthy List, a lifestyle platform and go-to
community for the health and wellness resources you need to make changes, move forward, create the life you want to live. Denise began her career with a bachelor’s degree in hotel, restaurant, and business management, focusing on nutrition. Her background, training and knowledge in nutrition, cooking, including professional certification in Plant-Based cooking, exercise, and coaching to help you grow, be more confident, reach beyond limitations and flourish in life. Denise’s experience working in restaurants and catering delivers a unique perspective
on what works (and doesn’t work) for most people. The success of her training, workshops, and presentations are based on her philosophy: Eat Real Food, Make Good Decisions, and Be Accountable, which incidentally is the content of her International Best Seller, Healthy Living, Happy Life: A Practical Path to Finding the Healthy Lifestyle That Works for You! Based on the feedback from her book and from the Living Healthy List audience Denise has created the Healthy Living, Happy Life Membership. She has reinvented the group coaching model by providing each member an individualized road map to with her proven approach to true health! Find balance, manage your stress, build your confidence, and create a lifestyle that energizes and uplifts you!
LinkedIn: Denise E Stegall
February 1, 2023 2:00 pm PST
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